ESSA Sport

European Sector Skills Alliance for Sport and Physical Activity

On the 21st of November 2016 ESSA, the European Sector Skills Alliance for Sport and Physical Activity, was officially launched in Rio Maior in Portugal. The project aims to serve not only EOSE members and partners, but the entire sports sector across Eruope by carrying out the first ever EU wide Employment and Skills Map in sort and physical activity. ESSA Sport will be led by EOSE, Uni-Eruopa and EASE with 18 national partner organisations researching and coordinating ESSA Sport nationally and 7 EU networks in the role of expert advisors serving to facilitate the collaboration of the fragmented sector in the creation of a Sector Skills Alliance.

The UNESCO Chair is the national partner for Ireland, and is delighted at the opportunity to embed inclusion, in particular the inclusion of people with disabilities, within all stages of this European, sector-wide project. Collaboration like this allow us to fulfil our mission of mainstreaming diversity for a just world.


Erasmus+ funded European project led by EOSE, Uni-Europa and EASE

The UNESCO Chair is the Irish national partner
