Author Archive | UNESCO IT Tralee

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Physical education, physical activity and sport (PEPAS): What’s Disability got to do with it?

The inclusion of persons with disabilities in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development has become an uncontested priority with the principle of ‘leaving no one behind’ – that’s no one, from anything! This in sharp contrast with the past, when people with disabilities were largely excluded from many aspects of the global development agenda. To […]

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ARE YOU 35-50 YEARS OF AGE AND WANT TO IMPROVE YOUR LIFESTYLE? With the MEW European Project you can improve your lifestyle and help us experimenting the "protocol of activity" - a protocol to counter sedentariness worked out by Organizations and Universities from 8 European countries in order to enhance psycho-physical wellbeing through simple behaviors and daily motor activities, group physical activity (like biking, trekking, strolling) and correct nutrition. The protocol will be experimented with 200 European volunteers who, for 6 months, will have the opportunity to be followed by a coach and constantly monitored through medical checks - for free to verify the actual improvements and the benefits of the new life style. Join the MEW European Project for free FOR THIS REASON WE ARE LOOKING FOR PEOPLE WHO MEET TWO SIMPLE REQUIREMENTS: 1 - they are willing to improve themselves 2 - they are willing to serve the community People Just Like you!  If you want to be one of us, hurry up! Contact us at by 15 April 2018 and take part in the MEW PROJECT!

Become a MEW Volunteer!

ARE YOU 35-50 YEARS OF AGE AND WANT TO IMPROVE YOUR LIFESTYLE? With the MEW European Project you can improve your lifestyle and help us experimenting the “protocol of activity” – a protocol to counter sedentariness worked out by Organizations and Universities from 8 European countries in order to enhance psycho-physical wellbeing through simple behaviors […]

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Can physical educators benefit from the Washington Group Question’s more functional definitions?

Research from around the world shows most physical education teachers do not feel prepared or confident in their ability to include children with disabilities into their general physical education classes. However, one has to question the definition of disability presented to physical educators in this type of research. For example, colleagues of mine from Israel […]

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Asking the right questions to the right people

Like many of my colleagues in the field of sport, physical activity and disability I’ve fought a long and sometimes fruitless battle against practices based on medical model assumptions. I’ve examined ways of teaching social model perspectives. I’ve spent thousands of hours in workshops and at seminars exploring models of good practice – ones based […]

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What information do you really need to know from your participant?

My first duty as a rookie PE teacher in disability sport federation was to organise a swimming camp for disabled kids. It was 1990. There was the general delusion that knowing diagnose, medical status, therapy goals and contraindications to physical activity provides the APA-professional with all the necessary information. In practise, the medical intake forms […]

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