UNESCO’s Quality Physical Education Policy Project

UNESCO’s Quality Physical Education Policy Project was developed to help “reshape physical education policy to accelerate the development of several dimensions of human capital in a unique, comprehensive way.”

These Guidelines have been developed, in partnership with the European Commission, the International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education (ICSSPE), International Olympic Committee (IOC), UNDP, UNICEF, UNOSDP and WHO, to inform the Quality Physical Education Guidelines across the full age range from early years through secondary education.

The Guidelines provide a framework to support policymakers (i.e. heads of department or senior officials within ministries) reshape physical education policy to accelerate the development of several dimensions of human capital in a unique, comprehensive way.

Users of the Guidelines will benefit from the inclusion of benchmarks for QPE provision and teacher training, checklists for strengthening provision, good practice examples and a policy matrix to develop inclusive QPE within a full policy cycle.
