Archive | Press & Media


UNESCO Chair launch features on Irish TV

Tune in &  Watch ………the UNESCO Chair launch will feature on Irish TV on WEDNESDAY MARCH 11th at 7.30pm. This program will be repeated on FRIDAY at 3.30pm. The entire Kerry County Matters Show is dedicated to the UNESCO Chair Launch. Irish TV is available on SKY channel 191, Freesat 400, Free to Air, Evision […]

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President Michael D. Higgins address at the launch of the UNESCO Chair IT Tralee

UNESCO Chair “Transforming the Lives of People with Disabilities, their Families and Communities through Physical Education, Sport, Recreation and Fitness” Some extracts from President Michael D. Higgins address:- “There can be absolutely no doubt that it is one of the critical responsibilities of a democracy’s commitment to participation to ensure that every citizen is afforded […]

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Tralee disability project wins UN acclaim

An Irish third-level project designed to assist people with disabilities has gained worldwide recognition. The programme, developed by the Health and Leisure Department of the Institute of Technology, Tralee, has been adopted by UNESCO and is now a global industry standard. (more…)

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