The UTMF is an all-encompassing framework that can be used as a management tool to facilitate the transformation of sport organisations with a view to providing universal services that include all citizens. Hence, sport managers have at their disposal a framework that emphasizes the main areas of operation that should be considered while planning universal service provision.
The UTMF has practical application in the planning, delivering and evaluation procedures of an organisation. Its key value is in guiding development that is comprehensive and balanced. It is a tool to inform reflective practice in the development of an organisation involved in the delivery of sport services to the general public.
The purpose of the UTMF is to bring organisational change by:
- Encouraging reflection on the benefits of embracing diversity
- Stimulating knowledge growth
- Promoting action to offer a universal service across all operational areas, and
- Providing a guide for controlling and reviewing the organisation’s practice.
UTMF Downloads
Click the image below to view the full infographic or click the button to download. You can also download UTMF notes (PDF) and Summary (PDF) below.
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Download “UTMF Notes” UTMF-Notes.pdf – Downloaded 677 times – 241 KB
Download “UTMF summary handout” UTMF-summary-handout.pdf – Downloaded 662 times – 163 KB