Inclusivizing PE, Physical Activity, Fitness, Sport and Recreation for a better world

Inclusivizing fitness

We want to inclusivize Physical Education, Physical Activity, Fitness, Sport and Recreation.

Why inclusivize? Because we know that the above domains can be very well suitable to mainstream diversity and work towards UniversAbility in our society. Check out our vision section to get a comprehensive idea of our vision, goals and objectives.

How inclusivize? We initiate and conduct projects, events and initiatives and provide a variety of toolkits and programmes to help people all over the world to get active and inclusivize their practice. Several concepts, programmes, initiatives, campaigns have been developed so far, often in joint collaboration with great partners and various global players. Every day more and more people are inspired and empowered and eager to change our world to the better, towards an inclusive world.

Check out our projects section or some of the examples below to see how theory is put in practice!

